Author Archives: Erin
2 Easy Ways to STOP Estrogen Related Fat Storage
5/20/15 – Have you ever noticed how over the years certain parts of your body will lean out and develop incredibly fast, while other body parts NEVER seem to change no matter how hard you exercise or diet? There is a very high likelihood that you may be suffering from something called Estrogen Dominance. Symptoms…
Free Workout For You
5/13/15- I’m writing this on my way home from an amazing trip to San Diego where I met with my mentors, coaches, and other great health and fitness leaders. It was an intense few days of learning, gaining accountability, and fueling my professional growth. A very fun and inspiring trip! A lot of you have recently been asking…
Do You Eat These Anti-Aging Foods?
5/5/15 – Do you wish you looked a few years younger? Look no further than your dinner plate. The foods that you regularly eat noticeably contribute to how you look and feel – so read on for the anti-aging foods that can really make a difference! More Meat, Please Like getting your protein fix from…
7 Family Friendly Weeknight Dinner Recipes
4/29/15- 7 Family Friendly Weeknight Dinner Recipes – A client recently asked me to share my best tip for losing weight quickly. She exercises regularly but wanted another way to accelerate her results. Can you guess what I answered? The 4 P’s. 🙂 Eat Protein and Produce and try to stay away from Processed and Packaged foods. This is a…
4 Things to do NOW for a Summer Ready You
4/22/15 – Spring break has come and gone and summer is coming on the horizon. Hooray! Many people dread showing more skin during the summer season, but don’t worry about showing off your legs, arms or stomach in more revealing summer clothes – just follow my 4 steps below for a summer ready you! 1.…
3 Top Reasons People Don’t Exercise
4/15/15- 3 Top Reasons People Don’t Exercise Reason # 1 – Time There never seems to be enough of it, right? So it’s no surprise that lack of time is the #1 reason that people choose not to exercise. With the new research out there that I’ve been sharing about the life changing benefits of short burst exercise – I hope you are beginning to…
Top 5 foods for Youthful Skin
4/8/15 – Top 5 foods for Youthful Skin Getting older is a tough topic for most of us – but it doesn’t have to be! The actual number doesn’t matter, especially if we don’t feel or look older. Go ahead and include my top five foods for youthful skin in your nutrition each day and you’ll be looking younger and feeling more energetic in…
Guest Blog by Blogger Amy Morrison
3/31/15 – Know Better, Do Better, Be Better – I always have a moment of pause when I hear that a family member is ill. Having used food to heal myself, it is difficult to not urge others to do the same. However, when it comes down to it, my pause is to figure out…
Sunday Indulgence
3/29/15 – Sundays are my special days for a sweet indulgence. 😛 These cookies are so good – chocolatey, yummy deliciousness! The recipe comes from Paleo Cookies by John Chatham Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies INGREDIENTS 5 tablespoons coconut oil, melted 4 tablespoons maple syrup 4 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 2 tablespoons unsweetened almond…
Grilling season is almost here!
3/26/15 – OK people! Grilling season is coming and I can’t wait. I love everything on the grill — especially a yummy burger. Without the bun for me! You can wrap the burger in lettuce so you can pick it up or just plain old eat it with a fork. 🙂 My absolute Favorite…