The Truth About 10-minute Workouts

2/25/15 – 

The latest trends in fitness are leaning toward the ‘shorter is better’ philosophy…but do dramatically shortened workouts really get the job done? No one can deny that the days of spending hours running, biking or doing any other number of slow, cardio-based exercise sessions (Jazzercise anyone?) are long gone.

We simply don’t have the time, and have come to realize that these long, drawn out workout sessions don’t give us the best return on our time investment. But how much of this desire for short, efficient workouts stems from shortened attention spans or just plain laziness?

Is there true science behind the claims that 10 minute workouts deliver results? In fact, there is a slew of new research that points to the true benefits of short, intense bursts of exercise. This is great news for all of us with hectic schedules, especially during these crazy holiday months. Short, intense workouts are manageable and even enjoyable.

Here are the top 3 reasons that 10-minute workouts are worth your time…

#1. It Burns Fat

Multiple studies have proven the effectiveness of both Tabata and Short Burst Exercise sessions like those found in my Toned in Ten program. These techniques take short bursts of activity and create a heart-pounding workout in 10 minutes or less. The key to making these workouts as effective as possible is to crank up your intensity to the max.

#2. It Makes You Happy

We all know that exercise releases endorphins, which makes us feel oh-so-good in the aftermath of a great workout. But don’t fret if you only have 10 minutes to exercise, studies have shown that an intense 10-minute burst of exercise is perfect to get those feel-good juices flowing.

#3. It Protects Your Heart

According to researchers in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, people who get just 7 minutes of intense exercise each day are 45 percent less likely to die from heart disease. It’s also worth noting that people who maintained their exercise routine for six years or longer saw the greatest benefit. I hope that I’ve convinced you of the value of an intense, 10-minute workout.  It’s so crucial to our health and physiques that we make time to exercise – even if it’s just 10 minutes.

So what are you waiting for? We all have ten minutes a day!  My Program Toned in Ten will show you how to perform 10 minute short burst workouts so you can reap the benefits above.

Have fun!