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Most of you know that my best fat burning tip is to perform short burst workouts and to eat clean as advised in my nutrition guide. However, there are other easy changes you can make each day for even better fat burning results. Here are my best fat burning tips!

Tip #1: Drink Green Tea: It may seem odd that drinking unsweetened green tea can help you burn fat, but try a glass of it after working out. Not only does it taste good, but it will improve fat burning.

Tip #2: Work Out Early: Like everyone else in the world, you’ve got a lot to do in the day. Imagine if you could have your workout done before it all gets started? By hitting your routine when you first wake up, your body will burn fat like crazy!

Tip #3: Go to Sleep: Just because you’re awake doesn’t mean you’re doing good things for your body. If you live in a constant state of sleep deprivation, you won’t be able to work out as hard as you should, and you’ll likely wind up making poor food and drink choices—especially late at night. Poor sleep also causes hormone imbalances that can make your body retain fat.  No thanks!

Tip #4: Limit Your Sitting: Working a desk job can cause us to sit most of our day.  A few ideas to help you –

A.  If you need to talk with a coworker? Leave the email and phone alone and get up and talk with your coworker face to face.

B.  Take a quick walk during lunchtime to rejuvenate yourself and power up for the rest of the day.

C.  Stand at your desk or get a standing work station.

Making activity part of your lifestyle will go a long way toward your health, posture, and ability to burn fat.

Tip #5: Wait for Seconds: Your instinct may tell you to grab a second helping of of your meal as soon as round one is over. Give yourself 20 minutes after eating your first plate to let your brain catch up to your stomach. Most likely, you’ll feel full after that amount of time and will avoid adding unnecessary calories.

Tip #6: Add Ice: Want to burn more fat faster, without even trying? Then stop drinking room-temperature water. Instead, drop some ice into your water and drink it when it’s nice and cold. It may seem like an old wives’ tale, but drinking cold water has been proven to force your body to burn calories in order to warm the water to body temperature.

Tip #7: Go for Lean Protein: Protein helps to boost your metabolism and build more fat-burning muscle. So be sure to have protein with each meal or snack to give your body the upper hand against forcing fat far away!

Products I Love

My favorite product this week? My Follow Along Workout Videos!  I’m so very excited about them and I think you will love them.  I coach and motivate you through each 10 minute workout so it’s like having me as your very own workout partner. 🙂
Better yet?  You don’t have to wait for shipping – they come in digital format so you can save them to your computer or iPad. You can even play them on your iPhone or any other cell phone so you can take the workouts with you to do them anytime, anywhere.

Recipe Corner

Paleo Breakfast Skillet
Doesn’t that look absolutely delicious?  Believe me, it is – you will love it!  This dish doesn’t have a single hashbrown in it – but the plantains cook up beautifully to mimic them.  So very good!
Serves 6
This will keep you going strong all day long.
Butter for the pan
2 green plantains, peeled and grated on a box grater
1 large yellow onion, diced
1 pound fresh Chorizo Sausage
6 eggs
2 ripe Haas avocados, diced
1) Preheat oven to 350°F.
2) In an oven-safe or cast-iron skillet, crumble and brown the chorizo. Remove from the pan and reserve.
3) Heat a few tablespoons of butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add in the plantains and onion. Season with salt. Stirring occasionally, cook until browned, about 12 minutes. Add the chorizo back into the pan and stir to combine.
4) Use a spoon to create 6 wells. Crack an egg into each well. Place the skillet in the oven and cook until the eggs are set, about 8 minutes.
5) Carefully remove from the oven, and top with diced avocado, salsa, and a few dashes of hot sauce
This recipe comes from one of my favorite cookbooks called Primal Cravings – the recipes are all amazing!
Major yumminess!