Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dangers of Too Much Exercise – Part 2

3/21/15 –   Do you still think you have to work out for hours on the treadmill to lose fat and prevent muscle loss? That’s a sad lie you’ve been fed for years. It’s that lie that has unfortunately caused you to gain fat each year, as you end up more frustrated, and keeps you working…

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   3/20/15 –  What a great day – Not only is it TGIF and International Happiness Day, it’s also the first day of SPRING. OK – so I can’t quite see the green grass yet or open our windows – but look at what’s to come! Happy Spring all! Spring renewal is the the perfect time…

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In Honor of St. Patrick’s Day

3/16/15 –  This recipe comes in honor of St. Patrick’s Day.  It’s from one of my all time favorite sites Against All Grain – her recipes are amazing!  The green in the cookies are all natural and not from dye – the green occurs due to a chemical reaction with the sunbutter and baking soda.  So interesting!…

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The Truth About 10-minute Workouts

2/25/15 –  The latest trends in fitness are leaning toward the ‘shorter is better’ philosophy…but do dramatically shortened workouts really get the job done? No one can deny that the days of spending hours running, biking or doing any other number of slow, cardio-based exercise sessions (Jazzercise anyone?) are long gone. We simply don’t have the time, and…

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The Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

2/22/15 –   I’ve been getting a lot of questions regarding Intermittent Fasting so I thought I would clear up any confusion with some great new studies and guidelines below.   You will still get amazing results without ever trying it – it’s just another tool in your toolbox for health and weight loss. In addition to removing…

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A Special Gift for You

2/21/15 – I have a very special gift for you today.  One of my great friends Gavin Walsh has an amazing cookbook that you’re going to love!  It s called Lean Cook – Recipes For Fat Loss.  Don’t let the name fool you, these recipes are delicious!  My personal favorites are the Baked Salmon and Asparagus…

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Dangers of Too Much Exercise

2/9/15 — Long boring cardio can be harmful to your body.  As a Physical Therapist for over 17 years I have seen countless overuse, running, and lifting injuries that could have been prevented.  Long boring cardio damages joints, traps your fat, and truthfully ages you faster because it increases free radicals in your body that attack…

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2/8/15– Welcome to Toned in Ten! If you’re looking for the secret to permanent fat loss without starving, counting calories, or working out for hours – you have found your home!  Toned in Ten is the most efficient fat loss system on the market and it will help you melt cellulite and fat and finally…

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